Part 3: Ryan C. (Far Right)
Well, the feature of the week is good old Ryan C., and just for Ryan, I'm going to make sure that all spelling and grammar errors are corrected before publishing this post because frankly, this post is dedicated to him, and he would like it that way. (Run-on sentences are still fair game because that's how I think, damnit!) Ryan, if you find any errors, just post a comment, and it will be fixed right away.
So, I've known Ryan C. since the 7th grade. We didn't speak much, and we never hung out all throughout high school. Ryan was a quiet type, but he always had a girlfriend. I always though Ryan must be a cool guy since he is so good with the ladies. Anyways, I went off to college a year early, and I came back to attend the high school graduation that I should have walked with. Turns out, Ryan had become good friends with my long good friend, Kevin R. Really good friends, but that is the subject of another blog. So I befriended Ryan at graduation since he was one of the only other guys in our graduating class that was going to UT. What started as a casual friendship, became a torrid basketball affair. That's all we did. I'm talking 2-3 hours basketball, some Gatti's pizza, and then some more basketball. I often refer to that as the best time of my life. Although Hawaii is some strong competition, there is just something about basketball that's hard to match.
After a good fun year of college and basketball, Ryan decided he needed to drop out of college and move to the woods. I must admit that year in the woods served him well because he came back a mad genius. He lost his ability to useful stuff like math, but he could rip apart a Nietzche text. After that year he wanted to go to UNC at Asheville, and I thought that would be the end of Ryan C., but then the reality of the cash difference between UT and UNC kicked in, and UT it was. Ryan managed to put this decision off until two weeks before school, I wanted to hang out with Ryan and save some money, so I offerred him half my room, and then the Rob, Ryan, Nick alliance formed.
Nick was our other roommate, and he had a habit of skipping a week of class and showing up at 5 in the afternoon in his tidy whities after an all night session of War Craft. Needless to say, Ryan hated Nick, but that worked out pretty nice for me as all anger about our living situation was taken out on Nick. I was pretty messy, and Ryan was clean for the most part, but we managed to never get in a yelling session. Unfortunately our basketball heights were never again reached as we were both taking more serious classes and Ryan had a girlfriend, but it was good times.
Two years later, Ryan scores in the top .5% of his LSAT, and goes off to Harvard Law, I'm sure this will be the end of him, but then he comes back for one last summer to work at the capitol and be with his girlfriend. Well Ryan, we've parted ways for the third time, and this time, I don't think we'll be showing up in the same city again, but you did surprise me the last two times.
Nice things to say about Ryan: Ryan is an asshole. I know this sounds like an insult, but in my book, it's a complement. At the courts, you never knew when Ryan was going to get in a fight with somebody over a double dribble. It may sound trite, but IMO, it brings some excitement to life to get in a fight over dribbling a basketball. Why not right? I guess the nice way to put it would have been to say Ryan is a passionate man, and this passion spills over into all parts of his life. He goes for what he wants, and another interesing thing about him: you never know what he will want next. Another thing about Ryan - he is the smartest person I know. Now there are A LOT of people who could vie for that position, but Ryan beats them all out because he is the one person that is using it to his fullest extent. Ryan's so smart, that when John Roberts got nominated to the supreme court, I asked him what he thought so I could create an oppinion.
Well there it is, Ryan C. Give me a fourth surprise. BTW, I gave up on the punctuation after the first paragraph, but feel free to send me corrections.