[picture to be added later for now this will do]
Part 2: Logan.
Good old Logie. Most 6'8 guys get nicknames like Bubba, but you're always looking for an affectionate nickname for Logan. I featured Logie second because he's the best friend I made in college, and because he can dunk a basketball. Well, Me and Logan went to the same high school, although somehow I missed the 6'8" giant in the two years our classes overlapped. It wasn't until college where we met through Ryan. The first time we met, I had an afro, and went by 'Robby.' I was really quiet in my younger days and I was shy around everybody I ever saw, and I was quite intimidated by playing basketball with good basketball players. In the mean time, All he ever did was hang out with his girlfriend.
So three years later, I'm working at IBM. All that IBM cash was soon to be spent on booz. Logan comes back from Africa a single man, and me, Ryan, Jeremy, Eston, Bryan, and Logan are all finally 21 and we all discover 6th street. We all liked 6th street, but me and Logan really had an insatiable thirst for 6th street. I mean every night there was the possibility of a different girl. And for Logan, it wasn't just a possibility. I, on the other hand, never got past the possibility part. At least not with an attractive girl that my picky ass would go for.
Well, a few solid months of 6th street and no permanent position at IBM, I decide to go back to school and room with good old Logie. During this time Logie became a serial dater, and fell in love with and out of love with a different girl each month. He smothered the ones he liked to the point of them leaving, and he disliked the ones that idolized him. A bit of a vicious cycle. I don't know if it was the 6'8" thing, the good looks, or the genuinely good guy personality, but he picked up his 2nd to last girlfriend while crying in a bar over the previous girlfriend. His sister brought her over to cheer him up, and two dates later, he was in love again.
Nice things to say about Logan: Shit man, I'm thinking about, and there are sooooo many awesome stories from that first 6 months we lived together. Jesus Christ, something was always happenning. Well, I could list off all the things other people say about him like he's the nicest guy in the world, but he's not the nicest guy in the world. Don't get me wrong, he's got your back, and is always there for you, but I could say that about any of my friends. I think what captures Logan best is just that he is an impulsive person. Now, the impulsiveness is a double edged sword, as it might land you in the middle of an argument or a long conversation about what he should do about his girlfriend. But all in all, that trait leads to some pretty good times. He's the one person who is always up for a good time.
Rob: "Hey Logan, you want to go get some drinks"
Logan: "Nah I have a final tomorrow"
Rob: "Come on, dude"
Logan: "OK, ROBBO! Let's do it! Let's get waisted!"
You can always count on Logan for a damn good time. And really that example is not even a slight exageration.
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