Well I'm starting a 100 part series on the blog about all my friends. Ok so it'll be something more like an 8 or 9 part series, but nevertheless it's a series. I figured who better to kick it off with than the 6'6" Polack sitting next to me. I mean look at this picture. I think we only had 2 or 3 beers at the time of this picture too. Also, I'm starting with Scott because he checks blogs 5 times a day. As a matter of fact if he didn't read my blog all the time, I would probably never update it. It is pretty sad that we have conversations about our blogs. We ask each other if we have checked the blog yet. The other day Scott read his blog to me because I hadn't gotten around to checking it yet.
Allright so where to start with Scott. First off, I've known Scott since I was 11 years old. I moved from the small town of Liberal, Kansas to the big city of Houston, Texas. Now, Scott had spiked hair with MC hammer stripes, and a rat's tail. 3 seperate hair styles, that I had heard about in Liberal Kansas, never seen in person, and here they all are displayed on a 5'6'' foot tall 11 year old kid. I was a little surprised, but I figured, I'm in the city now, and that must be a a normal hairstyle in Houston Texas. Come to figure out later, it was just Scott. Although, I must admit that I did think it was pretty f'in cool at the time.
Well come 11 years later (You missed out on the $250 broken glass table, a call from the D.A., and a visit from the FBI) Anyways, come 11 years later, Scott decides to up and move to Hawaii. I'm thinking there is no way he is just gonna leave everything and move to Hawaii, but the date of his flight came, and he was gone. He became the story of my friend who moved to Hawaii. Needless to say after a couple years I followed him out here. Initially to visit and then to stay. Worked out pretty freaking nice for me.
So, nice things to say about Scott: Well, people who vaguely know him, always refer to him as quite witty. Don't know if he knows that since we are talking about him behind his back. What else - The kid can drink some beer. I guess it takes something to take out a 6'6" guy, but the guy can put down a 12 pack like it's nothing. You should see the Natty wall. And then there's the moving to Hawaii. Successfully pulling the 9-5 in Houston Texas, and then going off and making an adventure out of life. Don't tell him this, but I was pretty impressed by that. He's very musically talented. It's quite fun to come home and play musical instruments, and drink beer, rather than watching T.V. and drinking beer. Oh yeah, and he can get stuff off the top of shelves.
Well that's Scott. I could go on for another 10 pages, but I don't have that much of an attention span.
And Remember - YOU MAY BE NEXT!
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