Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Part something x 10: A review

Well I want to take a post to point out just a quick interesting trend among my friends that I've posted on. Scott was tech support MCSE in Houston. And moved to Hawaii to do the same thing. Logan went to Business school at UT, switched to Biology, switched to Sociology, and now wants to be a firefighter. Ryan was a philosophy major who wanted to be a professor, but sold out to go to Harvard and become a lawyer, and after 2 years of law school wants to be a professor. Jeremy was on track to graduating with highest honors with an accounting degree from UT, but graduated with honors and is now a firefighter. Eston was . . . Well he was technically in the business school, and he has much potential, and dropped out of school with 12 hours to be a pro poker player. And Bryan has a masters in Accounting, was once on track to becoming an investment banker, and, after dealing with the ineptitude of the federal government's hiring process for special agents for the IRS, is now in some stage of the hiring process for the Houston Police Department. And me, I graduated with honors in computer engineering, worked at IBM as a hardware development engineer, went back to school to fulfill medical school recquirements, became an EMT in the process, and now I play poker in Hawaii.

Are we all fucked? Well, I suppose I do have one friend who started working for his dad's company at 18, has a kid, has a wife, and owns a house. How is that going anyways Mike? Actually, now that I think about it, Mike wants move to England and be a proessor. Mind you, Mike went to college for a year. And then there's Ryan Zachry who's had the same job for a good 5 years, and has had a girlfriend for about 3 years. But he's pretty adamant about how he really just wants to live in a barn.

Yeah, we are all fucked.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is comforting as I feel that I'm going to be pretty messed up myself. Cell and molec is getting my nerves, ugh. Anyway, I always wanted be a poor struggling unemployed writer living in an old dingy flat, coffee in one hand, pen in the other... Then I'll write a hit and become an instant millionaire and show the man what it's all about.

6:34 AM  

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