Ah, the futon. Well we prematurely hacked this thing into pieces, and then once Jinx left we no longer found the need to get a new one. Well, this ting was so nasty that not even I would sleep on it, but for it to be so nasty that I take the initiative to do something about it, that really takes the cake. In case you ever need to throw your futon down the trash shoot, you should know it does take 6 "13 gallon" plastic bags to hold the mattress. I am confident that I could have stuffed into 5, but remember, these bags have to fit down the trash shoot. Right now I am tossing the bags down at 2 hour intervals, so management doesn't catch on to us. I'm pretty sure you aren't allowed to throw away futons through the garbage shoot, and I recollect seeing signs that say you aren't allowed to throw eggs off the balcony the day after we last did it.
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