Sunday, August 05, 2007

Few notable firsts. Went to my first festival last night. Had some seriously impressive fireworks. Apparently my coworkers werent all that impresses, but Ive never seen anything like it in real life as far as fireworks are concerned. It lasted a good 20 minutes. Its a good thing they keep people like me away from things like that, because I would have gotten bored and lit every single one of them in about the span of one minute.

Lived through my first typhoon. Don:t let that scare ya though. Remember hurricane strength is somewhat proportional to ocean temperatures, and that the water here is cold. It was barely a thunderstorm.

And had the first night out with the coworkers. These guys are mad. Personally, I didnt see much point in going out the same night as the typhoon, but that didnt even cross their minds. So we were the only people walking the streets all night. And those guy got completely torn on a thursday night. I got just about as drunk as I get, but some of those guys couldnt even remember what happened the next day. Good times.


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