Part 4: Eston
Well I had to feature Eston next because he is certainly the one person who has had the most profound effect on my life in the past 6 months. It was Eston who laid the way with pro poker, told me the book to read, the software to download, wrangled in rakeback, and turned a bad player who loves poker and loves going "all-in" into a good player who waits for his good hands and doesn't have as much fun.
Yeah, if it wasn't for Eston, I wouldn't have afforded this Hawaii trip, still be in Houston, as a TRUE grinder as an EMT. But hey, I would be on track to being a doctor, so fuck you, Eston. Thanks a lot, asshole. Nah, seriously, poker and Hawaii could work out for the better.
Isn't this post about Eston? Well, I met Eston my junior year in college through Jeremy, and my first reaction was that is one TALL ASIAN! Funny side note, his parents are like 5 foot tall, and they figured if they got an asian kid, it would have the added advantage of their son being a similiar height to them. They probably also weren't counting on all the extra money it would take to feed the kid.
So Eston is probably the only guy you'll meet who started college with a hefty scholarship, 30-50 hours of credit, a 4.0 GPA, spent 4 years in college, and then dropped out with 12 hours left. I remember when he dropped out. Jeremy and I went to the courts, and we were suppose to meet up with Eston at like 2:00. Well it was the last day to withdraw from classes, Eston managed to go the entire semester up to this point without showing up to a single class, so Eston shows up to the courts like 2 hours late. In the mean time, we've played several games and are out of shape. Eston's just like "Oh, I had to drop my classes. Come on GUYS! I'm ready to play!" He's going back next semester. Although all evidence points to the contrary, I think he'll pull it off.
Nice things to say about Eston: Eston is certainly one of the people who could vie for the smartest guy I know position, but he is also certainly the person who has pissed off his intelligence the most . . . at least it has come to serve him well in poker. I must admit, reguardless of how he choses to use it, he is certainly the most charismatic person I have ever met. One example: I go to Miranda and Ryan's going away party. I look around, and think, I don't feel like stressing out and spending time meeting people. I just want to sit down and have a good time with the people I know. Then you look at Eston, and EVERY place he goes, you see a group of three or four people intently waiting for his next word, followed by explosions of laughter. As far as Eston's "Crew Post," Eston is number three on earning potential, but his stock goes WAY up if he decides to be a salesman.
Oh yeah and BTW, I love ya when I'm sober too.

Yeah, if it wasn't for Eston, I wouldn't have afforded this Hawaii trip, still be in Houston, as a TRUE grinder as an EMT. But hey, I would be on track to being a doctor, so fuck you, Eston. Thanks a lot, asshole. Nah, seriously, poker and Hawaii could work out for the better.
Isn't this post about Eston? Well, I met Eston my junior year in college through Jeremy, and my first reaction was that is one TALL ASIAN! Funny side note, his parents are like 5 foot tall, and they figured if they got an asian kid, it would have the added advantage of their son being a similiar height to them. They probably also weren't counting on all the extra money it would take to feed the kid.
So Eston is probably the only guy you'll meet who started college with a hefty scholarship, 30-50 hours of credit, a 4.0 GPA, spent 4 years in college, and then dropped out with 12 hours left. I remember when he dropped out. Jeremy and I went to the courts, and we were suppose to meet up with Eston at like 2:00. Well it was the last day to withdraw from classes, Eston managed to go the entire semester up to this point without showing up to a single class, so Eston shows up to the courts like 2 hours late. In the mean time, we've played several games and are out of shape. Eston's just like "Oh, I had to drop my classes. Come on GUYS! I'm ready to play!" He's going back next semester. Although all evidence points to the contrary, I think he'll pull it off.
Nice things to say about Eston: Eston is certainly one of the people who could vie for the smartest guy I know position, but he is also certainly the person who has pissed off his intelligence the most . . . at least it has come to serve him well in poker. I must admit, reguardless of how he choses to use it, he is certainly the most charismatic person I have ever met. One example: I go to Miranda and Ryan's going away party. I look around, and think, I don't feel like stressing out and spending time meeting people. I just want to sit down and have a good time with the people I know. Then you look at Eston, and EVERY place he goes, you see a group of three or four people intently waiting for his next word, followed by explosions of laughter. As far as Eston's "Crew Post," Eston is number three on earning potential, but his stock goes WAY up if he decides to be a salesman.
Oh yeah and BTW, I love ya when I'm sober too.
This makes me feel better after I lost $3.7k last night.
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