Hmmm, theres a lot to be said about this picture. I'm sure you notice the axe in the futon. That's where we keep it. Scott got the brilliant idea that we could chop up the entire futon and throw it down the garbage shoot, rather than figure out how you are suppose to dispose of such things. You'll notice the pillows. Yes, the futon is my bed. And I keep my desk right in front of the futon. So it's an icechest. It serves it's purpose. Actually that was our coffee table, and Scott was a little upset when I confiscated it because he couldn't put his feet on it anymore.
So we got a little drunk this weekend and Scott chopped off one of the arms. There's still plenty more for when Jinx gets here. We are waiting 2 weeks so Jinx can partake in the festivities.
This is my closet. I haven't moved everything back here yet, but I will as soon as Jinx gets here as I am sure that she will be needing plenty of closet space. You'll also notice the filing cabinet or as some people call it a box full of shit. Whenever I need to put something up I just throw it behind my back and hope that it lands in the box.What's this? That's right we don't have a coffee table, but we are classy enough to own a piano. You'll notice the beer coaster on it though. We even keep the coaster there when we close the lid.
We keep the dart board on the ground, and yes that is the box that the TV came in. Funny enough, Scott paid like $80 for those fancy speaker stands, but he keeps the TV on a box.
Of course, the Natty Light wall. In about 900 more beers we will have the wall covered from end to end.
Here's a picture of the bathroom taken from the kitchen.
And here's a picture of the kitchen taken from the bathroom. You'll notice that the microwave is on top of the god damn stove. We have to put it on top of the refrigerator when we aren't using it. Also I wanted to show the Spatula. The handle is broken. When I broke it, I reluctantly commented that it would be a long time before we get it replaced. Scott shrugged and said yeah, I wish there was something we could do about that. I put the plastic fork on there to illustrate the fact that we don't own silverware. Did I mention that Scott has thousands in savings, yet no silverware.
Oh yeah, Scott broke the toilet lid. Don't ask me how someone goes about breaking a toilet lid, but you'll also notice that stick on the top. It's not for decoration. We have to pull that every time we flush the toilet.
This is the washing machine. You're probably asking, what is the washing machine doing in the closet? Well actually, every time you use it, you wheel it over to the hallway sized kitchen and hook it up to the sink.
Front Ocean:
Back Mountains:And with those last four pictures I think it's obvious why this is the BEST place I have ever lived. Just a couple of things to mention. That's Diamond Head crater in the front. And the double rainbow in the other picture is almost a daily occurence. Actually thanks to our elevation on the 34th floor, the inner rainbow actually makes a full circle sometimes.
Sheeesh, the toilet cover is STILL busted? It's been how long? Tell Scott it takes 5 mins to get a new cover at the Home Depot, it's not even expensive, nor hard, nor time consuming. A girl can do it!
Cynthia, did you read the blog? If we fix the toilet cover, what are we going to pull when we need to flush the toilet?
the pull mechanism is for sale in Home Depot too, in fact everything to do with the toilet is there, even the little tiny washers. The best part is you don't need to be much of a plummer to fix it ;)
Home Depot, I tell you. "You can do it, we can help". haahaaa, ok too many commercials.
Seriously though, it's a great place (by Costco in town)
Cynthia, there are a lot of ins and outs. It's a complicated issue
Cynthia - what robby means by a lot of ins and outs is that we're really lazy.
Although it does make for a funny picture and something to blog about. Let's just hope all of your house guests like the 'unique' (and now famous)toilet.
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