Sunday, January 15, 2006

The Man - A definition

Well, if I'm gonna make this a weekly post, I thought I should rewind and define what really is "The Man." I'll kick it off with an analogy. (This is not a poker intensive.) When you play poker at a casino, everybody bets on each card that is turned over, and all the money accumulates in the pot. At the end of the hand, the player with the most luck wins the entire pot because he had the best hand. However, the dealer, takes out 10% of the pot up to $5 and gives it to the casino. That 10% is the rake. It may not seem like a lot, but last month I alone, spent $3500 in rake. And don't think that money goes to the dealer. The dealer gets minnimum wage. You are expected to tip when you win a pot.

So what does this have to do with the man? Well, the man is the rake in life. The man is your lazy boss who doesn't do any work, won't retire and just sits at the top making a million dollars a year when everybody else in the company makes $50k or less. The man is that ridiculous 10% you pay in interest every month. The man is that huge monthly rent payment that isn't buying you anything. The man is the ridiculous taxes you pay. The man . . . well, I'm getting a little upset, so I'll stop there.

However, there is still something missing in my definition. There is also a certain control factor. The man not only wants your money, but he also frowns upon anal sex. Gay marriage - out of the question. Illegal phone taps. He wants to know the books you have been reading. You'd better wear certain clothes to work. The list goes on and on.

This additional factor also leads into a bit of a paradox. I say that the man is against gay marriage, yet a clear majority of Americans support a ban on gay marriage. You would say it is "the will of the people" (Quoted from Bill O'Reilly) demanding a ban on gay marriage. Well, this is where it gets interesting. The man has infiltrated the thoughts of people, preying on their inborn insecurities, as a mechanism of controlling them.

Let me just use gay marriage as an example. I haven't researched these numbers recently, and the figures are ballpark, but simply put, before the 2004 campaigning, 60% of Americans supported gay marriage. Afterward, 60% supported a ban on gay marriage. Really, Karl Rove is a complete genious. He knew that they could win if they made the election about moral issues rather than the presidents actual accomplishments. Seriously, name one fucking thing that he has done. Please, leave a comment on my blog, and I will happily slam it. So how do they do this? They simply put gay marriage on a bunch of referendums, and show Bush with his wife Laura (the most USELESS FUCKING first lady in modern times) talking about how the sanctity of marriage is important. This gives preachers a little chubby as they now have something to preach about, the people gladly get shepherded into the polling booths, and on election day, Karl Rove gives Bush the thumbs up before all the votes in Ohio are counted.

I think the interconnection between the man and controlling the populous is best illustrated by the Saudi Royal Family. These fuckers date back centuries. Don't know the entire history, but basically they enter modern times with control of the land with the greatest buried wealth ever. At some point they realize, hey, we are fucking billionares, our people are completely poverty stricken. We've got a good thing going here, and we don't want the populous to rise up against us. So they buy out the muslim religion, and inact fundamentalist muslim law, and go back to the middle ages. Some people consider that region to be in the dark ages. They use the muslim religion to brain wash the populous into sych complete extremism that it results in terrorism. The great irony is that the Saudi royal family, in truth, hates terrorist. It's a real headache for them, and it really sucks when something that they own gets blown up. Basically, they need to keep supporting the fundamentalist muslim movement because it keeps a large portion of the population under control. Terrorist are just a side effect that will go untreated because the rest of the population is so effectively controlled.

Just one other thing, these Saudis are so powerful they got the christian conservative, terrorist fighting President of the United States to hold hands with them. This disturbs me on many levels.

Well that' the man. Now that you know who he is, you should be privy to his tricks.


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