Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Catholine, your roommate missed my point by a mile. I never said the Jews should leave Israel. I said that part of Bin Laden's "truce" would probably include the Jews leaving Israel, but we will never know for sure. But now that you got me on the subject, people living in Israel are in a bad situation, but I would get the fuck out. Personally, if a bunch of people in Mauai wanted to kill all the Italians in Oahu, I would leave. I'd just go live somewhere where they aren't. I wouldn't be too happy about it, but it ain't worth my life. And would I go visit somewhere that Italians were killed? FUCK NO! That is beyond stupid. If you are Jewish and you want to visit Israel, you're an idiot, period.

Now, I'm not saying that they should leave. If you want to fight for your country good for you. My ass is getting the fuck out and enjoying life though.

Should they leave Israel? No.
Would I leave Israel? Fuck Yeah.
Is it more complicated than that? Prob not.


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