Saturday, May 05, 2007

So I'm trying to keep up with my one post/day rate, but I'm having some serious writer's block. Everything I write seems to be boring. I guess it's cause I haven't gotten a comment from my reader in a long time. I thrive on comments. I'll just say this, Today I took my lap top apart, soldered a broken piece back on, thereby saving myself $500 on buying a new laptop. I guess that $80k education is finally paying off a little. Anyways, I'm gonna try to parlet this skill into an ebay trade by refurbishing broken computers. Hopefully, there's a soft spot here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry big fella. I'll try to get you a comment a day, but it will probably have to wait until after tomorrow--my last law school final ever! Congratulations on Japan.


8:43 AM  

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