Sunday, April 09, 2006

Well, not wanting to go to the beach and swim in all the raw sewage, I walked out the mauka door, saw the view of the mountains, picked a peak out, and walked to the top. After an assload of walking, my intentions of summitting were repeatedly thwarted by million dollar houses with gates that had signs posted telling me to keep the fuck out. So I picked out a peak without so many houses, and trailblazed my way to the top. I found a small Banyan tree, camped out, and had lunch (a tuna sandwich).

Sitting on the top of that mountain, I decided it's time to change pace. I've been fighting the good fight here in Hawaii. My refusal to get a job. Going to the beach every mourning for a swim. Sitting in my underwear all day. Sleeping on the floor. But, it's time for me to let go of all that. Maybe it's due to the infrequency of my beach visits, but I've decided to head back to Texas. It's time for this degenerate to settle down and get a job. Actually, I've been thinking about it for some time. There's just so much I want to learn and do in life, and poker's just not on the list anymore. So, I'm gonna kick things off by being an EMT, and learning how to save lives. When I signed up for my EMT class, I did it just so I could put it on my medical school application. Now, I don't really care about medical school. I just want to try it on, and learn something different. I just think it will be a great experience. Hehe, during my EMT training, I had the pleasure of cleaning shit and washing a bumb's gangrene infected feet and hands. . . there's plenty more for me to learn.

I haven't really decided whether I'll go back to Houston or Austin. All my friends have migrated back to Houston, so I'd like to go there. But, Houston's not an active enough city for me, so I'll most likely end up back in Austin. I really do love that town.

That's it. I've made my final fold. As Logan would say, "Dude, I made a really good lay down today."


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